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Monday, January 3, 2011

Which Will Make me Small and What Will Make me Bigger?

So often I feel like a small person stuck in a fat person's body.  But the strangest part about it is that I have never been a small person.  Well, maybe when I was 6.  But I was a kid.  It was too long ago to remember so to me it doesn't count.

I realized today how important preparation is.  I was rushing and scrambling this morning to make sure I had all my food and had it all weighed out appropriately.  I made my turkey and cheese omelet, then packed it away in my Rubbermaid container for when I got to work.  In all the rushing I did this morning, I forgot my medication!  Nothing too totally important, just my anti-anxiety/anti-depression meds and my vitamin.  Lets hope this day does not get much more stressful than it is right now.

Not to mention, after being off work for 10 days, I couldn't find my shoes.  Sheesh!  Great start to my day.

I've been thinking about making a list of all the foods that I simply cannot have.  But right now it seems depressing to dwell on the forbidden...  It's like that Linkin Park song, Waiting for the End.

I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I wanna do is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven’t got


I wish my body would work with me instead of against me.  But I know what it takes to move on and move forward.  I just have to let go. 

I don't know why I get so obsessed with the idea of wanting to be normal.  I see so many people who have managed to lose weight and be able to indulge occasionally and not suffer the way I do when I make the same choice.  It makes me jealous and angry that I will never be like that.  I mean, really...  What is wrong with wanting a frickin sandwich?

So it's day three into this journey.  I feel good.  Wishing I had my meds, but I'll live without them until this afternoon.

I'm anxious to get to Thursday.  Thursday will be my first time ever working with a personal trainer.  I'm undecided if I like her yet.  You know how you get a feeling about someone upon meeting them...  Well, I'm just not sure what it is.  Maybe once I spend more time with her, I'll figure it out.  I know she's been a personal trainer practically all her life.  To me this means =  I've been skinny all my life and never had to worry about actually having a weight problem.  I can't help but feel judged!  (even if it is all in my head).

Either way, I am looking forward to her experience and knowledge.  I've avoided this part for a long time.  It's time for me to actually be productive when I am working out and not just flailing around wasting my own time and not seeing the results like in the past.

This will be a good change.  And definitely one that is long overdue.


  1. I'm cheering you on, as I struggle myself to do the carb purge.....thanks for blogging your story!!

  2. Keep up the good work! Try to remember how terrible it makes us feel when we give into and dive into carbs!!!! We CAN do this! We fell off track but we're BACK!!!!! SCREW carbs and HELLO to 2011!!! This is our year to prove , not only to everyone else but to ourselves too, that we are worth feeling good and LOOKING GREAT! Let's do this!!!!!!!!!
