OH Weight loss tickers

Friday, January 14, 2011

Did I Ever Mention that I HATE Rollercoasters??

Actually, I like rollercoasters.  It's the emotional ones that I absolutely hate...

So, I haven't updated in a few days.  I can just imagine all of you sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for a new post; wondering if I have fallen off or if I managed to stick with it through all of this drama.  I am proud to say that I have stuck with it 100%.  Today makes day 14. 

Of course my body is doing what it always does when I decide to get back on track.  I will lose good for the first week and then the second week I will lose nothing.  This is when I get discouraged and give up.  At the beginning of this week, I made it to 299.  Mother nature, Aunt Flo, the crimson tide...  whatever you want to call it...  made me fluctuate back up to 301, but I stuck with it and this morning I was 299 again.  That makes a total of 9 pounds in 2 weeks.  We are right on track!

Here's what I've been up to.  My sister flew in from Maryland last Saturday to help me with trying to deal with the situation with my grandfather.  I have been a wreck, emotionally.  I feel like I have managed to make it on everyone's shit-list this week and I haven't done anything wrong... 


This is not a game.  This is my life and I am so tired of playing sides.  I don't want to have to pick and choose who I get to love.  Dysfunctional families suck!

Well, my grandfather passed away on Wednesday.  I can't help but be a bit envious considering he doesn't have to deal with all of the drama.  Today we will have a private family viewing for about an hour.  I am curious to see how things will play out.  I am struggling right now with resisting the urge to stuff my face with whatever carb I come across first, but I recognize that this is just my way of wanting to not feel the anxiety and other emotions that I feel totally flooded with right now.  I have my sister to help me and for that I am thankful.  It may not seem like it, but I really needed her this week. 

If I can get through the next 2 days, I think I will be ok.  I have come so far already.  We have been out to eat numerous times and I have proved to myself and everyone else that I can make good choices when we go out without resorting to a little cheat.  Last night I got a chicken salad but forgot to tell the waitress no croutons.  At first, I figured I would just eat them...  no big deal, right?...  WRONG!  I knew if I had those croutons, it would open the floodgates of HELL and allow a piece of Coca-Cola cake for dessert to slip in.  So I gave the croutons to my youngest daughter who wanted a salad too and traded her for some of her chicken since I knew she wouldn't eat it all.  Knowing that the child loves croutons, she was more than happy to make the switch.  

Yes...  I am sticking with it.  Yes...  I am still here.  Yes...  I'm gonna need a vacation after all of this. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to read that you are sticking to this. 9lbs in two weeks is great. Keep it up I know you can do it.
