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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Where does it all go?

Albert Einstein is one of my all time favorite people, ever!  And not just because we share a birthday which is actually the short version of Pi (3.14).  = P

One of my favorite quotes by him is, "When you look at yourself from a universal standpoint, something inside always reminds or informs you that there are bigger and better things to worry about."

But looking at things from a universal standpoint when you are trying to lose weight, it raises the question, where does it all go? 

A calorie is a unit of energy.  If we are burning calories, that sure is a lot of energy floating around out there.  I know that our bodies use this energy to fuel it's cells, but seriously, when you think about it, it's tough to wrap your head around the whole process. 

I was thinking about that quote when I was laying in bed last night.  With all the stress I have had in the last few months, it all pales in comparison to some of the bigger problems that other people may face.  And so, I began to count my blessings...  This made me feel loads better.

Then I wake up this morning to my phone alerting me I have emails!  All of them from the wonderful people who have been cheering me on.  Needless to say, it was a great way to start my day. 

So, today... (I'm off work.  Kids don't start school until tomorrow and hubby had to work early this morning)...  I'm going to go to the gym and focus on the energy that I plan to give to the universe.  I want that energy to be a positive force and so that is what I will strive for today.

There is so much to be said for looking at life from a universal standpoint.  We are all so small in the grand scheme of things.  (It's the only time I get to think of myself as tiny).  = P

Thanks Albert for your wisdom and inspiration!!!

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